Intern Capital: The Start, The Past, The Future

Intern Capital
5 min readDec 23, 2021


Hello LUNAtics community, your favorite (unpaid) Interns are back with an update on Intern Capital’s progress with our current projects as well as future plans for the Interns.

What is Intern Capital?

For those of you who may not know who we are, Intern Capital is a group of Interns in the Terra Community who banded together after seeing many different projects and protocols hiring Interns. Originally it was just all one big meme with our Interns just shitposting and aping into rugpulls, but after recruiting many talented individuals we decided to shift our focus to something more interesting. Now as more Interns join our ranks, we hope to grow over time and become a group that is known for memes, innovation, as well as feeding ramen to hungry interns.


As some of you may know, we recently made our discord public to the community in hope of recruiting more Interns for future projects in order to bring many of the ideas located in the labyrinth of channels to fruition. For those who are not in yet and are wishing to join and start helping out, here is the link: . When you first join and verify, you’ll be able to find a form located in the pinned section of our #new-frens channel which you can fill out so we can get a quick rundown of your strengths, weaknesses, and what you would like to work on. With this info we will do our best to place you in a project that is the right fit so you can begin helping Intern Capital build, in order to make itself and the Terra Ecosystem the best versions of themselves that they can be. All types of skills and interns are welcome! Along with this, as soon as one joins, like mentioned before, you will be met with a multitude of channels which are separated into different groups and represent different projects we hope to launch in the near future. As of now we have a little over 450 members, with more coming in every day.

Project OnePlanet Competition

Alongside the Hackathon, we also entered into the OnePlanet NFT competition to hopefully secure a spot among the finalists. Upon entering we selected the “Next Level’’ type of NFT to submit, as our InterNFT’s are immensely different than current NFT’s on the Terra Blockchain. To drop some alpha: our InterNFT’s will have actual utility unlike other NFT pfps, as with ours, you will be able to stake your NFT’s inside one of our two vaults which will either accrue XP for your Intern NFT, or allow you to farm currency for our shop which is set to launch sometime in late Q1 — early Q2. Our ultimate goal is to win the contest in order to receive our own launchpad to begin minting out InterNFT’s to the public, and kickstart Intern Capital’s journey in the Terra Ecosystem.


In recent months the Terra community has been bombarded with NFT projects, which have varied in quality and effort. This saturated market has made it difficult to know which NFT projects are worth the time and capital to become a part of. This is why Intern Capital provides a clear road map for our InterNFTs and their unique features that haven’t been seen with any other project.

The minting will likely commence in Q1 2022, where 6,942 InterNFTs will be released at the price of 69.42 UST an Intern. Our goal is to make this a very accessible project, while also bootstrapping our group for future projects that will be talked about later in this article. Like other projects, InterNFTs will have regular attributes like clothing, hats, background, etc… , but where our Interns differ, in terms of art, will be two, what we like to call, “dynamic attributes”. There will be two dynamic attributes: Stress level and fire spread. The stress level of the Intern will be determined by the rarity of specific attribute categories and then the stress level given will determine the magnitude of the fire spread attribute. After the minting phase (Phase I) Intern Capital will release two vaults (Phase II) that will allow InterNFT holders to stake their Interns for EXP or an in-game currency that will be used in future when we release our NFT shops (Phase III). More details on this can be found later in this article, and as we get closer to this Phase.

Terra Spaces

Something else that Intern Capital has been providing to the Terra Community recently is recordings of twitter spaces. We understand that some of you LUNAtics are busy sometimes and aren’t able to catch some of Cephii’s many twitter spaces, or an AMA from a project that you are interested in. Due to this problem, one of our lovely Foundooooors, Finntern (@thejamhole) has been kind enough to begin a full time career of recording these spaces for the community’s convenience. Now if you ever miss a space you were hoping to hop into and listen, you can head over to: to catch up on anything you didn’t get to hear. We are also on a variety of other streaming platforms for your convenience, such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and many more, all which can be found at the bottom of the webpage. For those of you who are planning on holding a space, and want to ensure that it is able to be recorded, you can fill out this form here: to notify us. On that very same form you can also request to be interviewed by Finn which will also be recorded and posted. This is for any projects that want to have their name thrown out there and wish to gain some recognition within the Terra community. If you enjoy these recordings and would like to support Terraspaces, you can donate here: terra16f874e52x5704ecrxyg5m9ljfv20cn0hajpng7

Future Projects

After the mint of our InterNFT’s, we are aiming to begin developing and launching our many other projects which we have in store. The reason for us waiting to work on these projects is because we wanted to give our full attention to our InterNFT’s to ensure it was the best project it could be, as some of out other projects in the future will revolve around these (hence why they aren’t your traditional pfps NFT). To name some of the other projects that are on our horizon we are aiming to release are a NFT shop which we talked about previously. It will have a tier and currency system built into it which will be linked to the InterNFTs, our very own token $INTERN which will come with its own utility and use cases which will be very lucrative for holders. We have other awesome projects that we can’t yet disclose but we are very boooooooolish about our future and we hope that all of you are as well.



Intern Capital

Gathered the interns near coffee machines. Yeeting our capital, starting with Terra.